Barnstormer Baseball & Softball Club
The Barnstormer Baseball Club was formed in 1998 and is a non-profit travel baseball club located in Bettendorf, Iowa. The Barnstormers organization’s goal is to help young baseball players build their baseball skills, while emphasizing leadership, sportsmanship & teamwork. For the 2024 Season the Club will feature 19 baseball teams and 6 softball teams from 7u-14u. Our home fields are the located at TBK Bank Sports complex .
2024 Head Coaches
2024 Baseball Coaches
Jeremiah Rindler / Rattlers 7u / jeremiahrindler@gmail.com
Eric Engels / Warriors 8u / jrc.ericengels@gmail.com
Jake Peterson / Ambush 8u / jakepete8@yahoo.com
Jason Bratcher / Rebels 9u / jason@ronstoybox.com
Brian Deines / Sharks 9u / bdeines@gmail.com
Phil Dodds / Warhawks 9u / phillipdodds19@gmail.com
Ben Klaus / Bison 10u / bdklaus08@gmail.com
Rob Wood / Blazers 10u / robwood15@hotmail.com
Justin Thompson / Blitz 10u / jthompson@quadcitiesfg.com
Jay Nelson / Bombers 11u / jay.richard.nelson@gmail.com
Tim Orris / Legends 11u / timorris800@hotmail.com
Dan Escontrias / Crush 11u / danesco33@gmail.com
Bobby Werthmann / Outlaws 11u / werthmann8@yahoo.com
Matt Woods / Aviators 12u / woodspack5@gmail.com
Joe Dusing / Impact 12u / jdusing@paylocity.com
Troy Venner / Wild 12u / tvenner@mail.com
Andrew Lehman / Bandits 13u / andrewjlehman@gmail.com
Scott Schreiber / Nationals 13u / schrieber.scott@gmail.com
Justin Chisholm / Drive 14u / ricok9odin@yahoo.com
2024 Softball Coaches
Ashley Ahl / Boltz 8u / ahlashleym@gmail.com
Kaitlin Schepers / Diamonds 8u / barnstormerdiamonds@gmail.com
Josh Kruse / Blast 9u / jrkruse@iasengineering.com
Brock Moshier / Rampage 10u / brock2308@gmail.com
Jenny Mulert / Wildfire 11u / smurf_260@hotmail.com
Dan Escontrias / Blaze 16u / danesco33@gmail.com
Board of Directors
Rob Wood / President / robwood15@hotmail.com
Brian Deines / Vice President / bdeines@gmail.com
Brian Knutson / Treasurer / brianknutson27@gmail.com
Jay Nelson / Board Member/ jay.richard.nelson@gmail.com
Troy Venner / Board Member / tvenner@mail.com